Sales & Marketing Management

In today’s challenging economy everybody wants to maximize sales. But justifying additional full-time sales positions to launch a new product, expand into a new market sector, or gain additional market share can be difficult for many businesses. This is where Our Sales and Marketing Services can help you with.
Our team of determined business professionals with many years of hands-on front-line sales and sales management exposure and the drive to deliver improved sales revenue for our clients.
Our people are well qualified and experienced with a highly professional approach in Sales and Marketing. We can provide commercial support for your organization right the way through the sales cycle from qualified lead generation and appointment making, through to technical demonstrations in the field, presentations at conferences and exhibitions, bid preparation, closing deals, and follow up activities.
Direction / Strategy / Plan - We help layout a proper plan that will focus on improving the necessary areas to take your company to the next level, define your vision and get you back on track to your goal.
Revenue - Experience that involves planning profit based sales targets (writing and executing), setting and meeting large sales quotas. Senior Sales Management experience: recruitment, hiring, mentorship and motivating the sales team and other departments. Preparation of reports by collecting, analyzing and summarizing relevant market information and using that information to roll out effective plans to generate revenue.
Self-Improvement - Mentoring is a huge component to the program. We challenge your company in a positive way to be better at what you do and do better than the competition.
Marketing - We have purchased marketing and worked for companies that have sold advertising. Having that experience allows us to maximize your marketing budget. We know what the right strategy looks like for your company and what budget is needed to do the job.
Social Media - We also provide an online network that will help you get your message out. We teaches our clients how to maximize current social media to keep your company top of mind. We do what we preach online and it works.
Momentum - Having the right strategy is critical to the growth of your company. Implementing it and rolling it out properly is what drives momentum.
Risk Management - Make sure you have weighed out the pros and cons of growing your business. What will it take to reach your goal: more staff or bigger office space? Do you have the right sales people? Do you need a sales manager? Do you need an investor, mentor or consultant? Are there any risks that might set you back or knock you out of the business world all together?
Opportunities - Evaluating where you are sitting in the market and creating the opportunities to lead your company in your industry.